Sunday, October 18, 2009

Black Magic, White Magic : Spells For All Occasions

~~~~~~ WARNING: ~~~~~

The following spells, incantations, magic, and summation
The text is designed for serious users only can not
should be taken seriously. Like all things you can do wrong to
seriously Aster Diaz. "Dark City Fear" will
responsible for what might happen if this happens.
Rest assured, if followed properly the following may
bring a large amount of knowledge and success. World
Mystical is a fascinating, and may entail
good luck, money and success if used correctly! Failure
generally to do with Satan, if you wish, use
White magic spells, I mentioned in the text into four categories,
White Magic (Light Side), Black Magic (Dark Side), Witchcraft
(What is not white or black), and the text Necronomicon.The
said: 'Necronomicon' has to do with spells for the dead, who
In its own separate category. It is better to simply read
This spell, if you have qualified or Magickian
experience in the art of necromancy.
"Do not worry," Dr ........... Death (Overlord)


Choose Enter (Return) for me: 2

To receive money through the magic candles:

Tools Required to trade:
Green candle, small sponges, needles, Dollar Bill, vegetable oil
Psalm 23 from the Bible

Preparing for the candle:

1. Candles with a clean damp sponge and let dry
2. Bless him with the following words:
"Blessed be and clean
Now run
Your service for me "
3. Take the needle and sign on the side of the candle
The word "money"
4. Candles anointing with oil ... (use a sponge)
(Your mind should be firmly of the reason for the ban
Getting the money .... Apply the oil on the candles
Center and eventually to the top, and then back to the center.
Further, the center-slowly-on the bottom and back
in the center again.

At the beginning of this ritual on Wednesday night from 10:00 to 12:00
Mark Green Candle Prepared as described above in a small altar (or table
The state is sufficient), which are free from interference can be left. Place
Dollar Bill beside the candle.

Burn the candle, and five times to repeat the following:

Money Lord, hear my call.
Look My Way Look My Way.
Send Me Your Rich.

That song ended up to five times read Psalm 23 times.
Let the candle burn until it goes off.

----------] HERE ended [----------

Other --+-- magic spell can only be found at: "Dark City fear" --+--

Intended for serious users

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Magic Your Window to the World psychological 'Black Mirror'
Witchcraft ---------] [---------

How is your TV window
World ", so the Black mirror or scrying glass window
Psychic World "- the world of the unknown. Creating your personal
Black Mirror takes a few minutes and could pave the way
unguessable vision.

Take a cup of water and add one of our washable black
(solubule water) ink, as Parker Quink. Sit in
any distortion in the cup on a low table for you. Reduce
level of illumination you can barely see your hands. Peer
Black water. Soon the hazy and cloudy, and then
suddenly you see a scene from another time and place.
Once you started seeing these random scenes, you immediately
Black Mirror, to show you the scene you want to see.

Chant softly:

"Mirror, mirror, observing me.
Mirror, mirror, show me.
As I have such a motorcycle. "

All efforts should be made to focus on what you want
seen in the Black Mirror ... when used properly can be very
effective, limited possibilties, look to the future
Tomorrow read the newspaper ... etc etc.

-----] Another "Magick Spell" found only in "Dark City fear'[-----
>>> 215-261-0893 <<<

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Excorcise a ghost or the Revelation of emigrants
--------------] Necronomicon [--------------

If the mind or the appearance of a deceased person to be excorcised,
The magician and his assistant, to restore the cemetery, or
The tomb where the deceased was buried, exactly at midnight, and
The ceremony can take place only at night with the clock of the twelve
and one.
This is the first tomb to be opened, or apeture which access
be taken of the naked body. Magician described
range, and magic with a magic wand in his right (circle and
sticks as in black magic), and his comrade bereath ConSec --
Rated torch, turns to the four winds, and touching the dead
body with a magic wand is repeated three times as follows:

"The power of the Holy Resurrection, and flour
Damn, I beg and beseech thee, spirit (name) deceased
Liege respond to my demands, obedient to the Holy
The ceremony, under pain of eternal torment and sorrow .......
. . . Berald, Beroald, Balbin, Gab, Gabor, Agaba. Get up, get up,
I charge you and the team.

After these forms and ceremonies, or ghost phenomena will
Apparently, the answers to all questions put to it

---------] 'Magick Spell' [----------
---------] Only be found at: [----------
---------] "Dark City fear" [----------

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================================================== =======
Witchcraft -------------] [------------

Equipment needed:
£ 1 no. 6 nails, individual Bent
4 beeswax candles, white or yellow
4 windproof candle holders, black
Incensce or white sandalwood
1 pound sea salt
2 pieces of parchment Virgin
Ink Pen (without handle)
The red and blue ink

Put each windproof candle holder. Place the candle on
Land in the north of values to be protected (or north
your magic circle). Set the other candles on the east, south and
West. Walking clockwise (clockwise), to light candles in the next
order: east, south, west, north. As you walk from one candle to another,
Salt and bent nails in a continuous uninterrupted ring around
ownership of your magic circle. As you walk in a soft voice,
"EE-EE-ay-ay-oh" beginning on the eastern candles. By the time you
around the circle and back to the eastern candle, you must sing
a loud, reaching a real scream. As you Shout It Out
The last time, the eastern candle, clapping your hands
flame. Say:
"Guardians of the east, to protect me (or my'')
Make any authority to send me back to the sender. "

Repeat this process to run in a clockwise direction and say the words at all points
extinguishing each candle one by one.
Now we use a pen and red ink, drawing on a sheet of pine --
A cop on the sun and the moon, write the name of the person you think
a threat to you. Subscribe to this document.
Creek in a loud voice:
"For all caregivers, threatening to leave ___________(),
and receive back the damage you sent.
Divide the axis of the parchment into 3 parts. Put them in
envelopes and mailing them to 90 days with an interval of one who threatens.
On the door of his house, to hide a small container of poppy seeds.
In the house, burning incensce white sandalwood.

In most cases this will lead to serious damage to your enemies and games
may even lead to his death!
Here ended ...............

_________] Brought to you by "City of Fear Dark "[___________
(215) -261-0893

E The Hollow Alliance Alice
(510) 849-2688攁RH (510) 849-2688
T-file Distribution Cent-a-RoR
Powerful RatSnatcher Sir Paul Murdoch Pressed Dr. Death Rats
P O R - lucard
Headquartered Sean-Da-Lay Boy Productions, Inc
Smooth descent and easy way

Create your own personal Dowsing MACHINE / planchette
Witchcraft --------------] [--------------

Dowsing for personal issues, make your instrument
hair of your head, tying one end to one of her favorite ring
or a button, worn by many times. Attach the weight at the end
Hair and other rights to your index finger to the tip.

Organize your hands properly, and be sure to work on a solid table
as one of the unsteady motion of contributions and
deceive you the wrong information you receive.

- Put your left hand in a fist on the table (the top of the finger, a little
finger), make a fist with the right, but suggest
The index finger with the hair and the weight attached to it and place
over his left fist.

If all hold hands before the tool
stopped swinging. Then say aloud:

"Line, line, show me.
What is the future.
The terms that it should be.
As I have such a motorcycle. "

Sales tools:
"High and mighty spirit.
You are my guide? "

This is usually react to this, starting to swing in line
indicating "yes". If he does not react, and put back 21
minutes to try again. These early contacts between you and
spirit over any criticism means that we have to say.
- Follow the instructions here in full precision, or to
Responsibility for what may happen the same.

Repeat this process and call for their results. Whatever
We have already discussed, there is always a positive response
the mystical five tests.

After a positive response, to build the following table:

/ 5 \
/ 4 _____________6 \
/ / | \ \
West <> / 3 / | \ 7 \ <> EAST
/ / | \ \
/ 2 / | \ 8 \ <-----------------|
/ / | \ \ |
/ 1 / | \ 9 \ |
/ / | \ \ |
SOUTH <> / 0 /------------+-------------- \ 0 \ <> South |
Note: This is the basis for the charts because of the limited ASCII |
Grafix .... So the two inner circles instead of half the arc --
a square OFF!

Now your tool on the chart exactly Devine
Answers to your questions.
- As an example:
Suppose you lost your dog.
Use your magical divination tool, first ask:
In what direction will lie dog ?..... Ask
How far is the dog ?.........
Thus, you can find a dog site.

You can also ask where the location of the treasure, or
find a lost object ...... Applications endless !!!!!

Sometimes you have to suspect that your instrument
is under the control of malice, because the answers
seems to lead you astray deliberatley. At such moments it is well
Construction of a new instrument of new materials, they ask
You do not know the answer. Check the answers later
the judge of the supervisory authority, as well
answer you.

Ends here --- ---

Magick Spell proposed ---------> <---------
Dark City Fear

How to avoid CAUSES 3 Ladys
In his room after dinner
-----] Black Magic [-----

Taken from the full makeup Ory

The reasons, as occurrence of 3 Ladys in the room:

J. Preparation.

Refrain from drawing the Mercury for three days, and will grow
up. On the fourth day, and prepare you for clean rooms
when it is morning, immediately after finishing the whole of Lent.
But you see that in such a way that he will be punished disarrangment
during the rest of the day. Note that there can be no curtains, no
Established across something, no carpets, no hangers, hats, bird cage,
Canopies, & C. First of all, put clean sheets on your bed.

II. Ceremony.

After dinner, secretly in his room, prepared as described above, ignited
a good fire, place a white tablecloth, set up in the third round
chairs, and in front of each chair at the table, let it roll Wheaton
and a full glass of fresh clean water. Finally, the creation of the department and benches
next to the bed, and went on vacation, make the following


Bestictum Consolatio "Veni ad me vertat Creon, Creon, Creon Cantor laudem
omnipotentis Et Non commentur. Stat Superior Carta bient omviestra laudem
da principiem montem ET inimicos MEOS O prostantis Vobis ET Mihi Dantes
passium Que sincisibus fieri.

Three people who have come to be borne by himself by the fire,
drink, eat, and, finally, to thank those who entertain them.
said three persons shall draw lots among themselves which of them knows
stay on track. Those who win will put himself in a chair
You set the bed, and they will stay and chat with you
until midnight, what time they leave their comrades, without
possible need for redundancy. Since the other two, they keep themselves
the fire, while others, you appreciate. As long as they keep you
ask any art or science, or on any subject as possible and
they will give you immediate positive response. You can also ask her
Again she knows any hidden treasures, and they will tell you about
The exact time and place suitable for its removal. It also appears
there with her friends to protect you from attacks Infernal
Spirits who have in their possession. At the farewell will give you
with a ring that is worn on the finger will make your luck in the game, while
if they are on the finger of a woman or girl, you immediately
your joy with them. Please note that you must leave your windows
discovered that they could enter.
This ceremony can be repeated often at the request of the operator.

Recognizing that the above experiment gives a better return for
Very little pain in Preperation, and therefore very popular among the founders

Here ended

Other Magic Spell :'_______
/ / /
/______/ Ark City () F Fear

How to make visible "Ghosts' IN THE AIR
)) Black Magic ((

* This experiment should be conducted only by those who are not afraid of anything!

Equipment: brain rooster (opening of the object can be
performed by you or milk Officer Poulter girl).

Contents of the burial of the dead man, but visits
The nearest cemetery will not be enough, because it
It is useless to collect it on the surface that the next
The coffin will be only for those purposes.

Almond oil

Wax Virgin (or unused and natural candle, scented)

Compost should be made of four, and they must be packed in
Virgin sheet of parchment previously written with the words:
GOMERT, KAILOETH, and the character of Gil.

Below nature Gil:
. .
. . . .
. ............
.... . .

Note: The dots represent the fixed-line, but drawing lines connecting
points together (it's all ASCII me!)

The material is now ready to burn, burn

The operator sees the vision of all the others in Spirits
Air ...... However, caution must be taken because many of these
there is a very unattractive to the human eye and try to cause
fear in you. Some of them will be very great and

Here ended ..............

from "Dark City from fear"

"Black Coffin" Death Game
Witchcraft ---------] [---------

Before midnight on the dark moon, the record of the Black Arts
Incense dark forces to call for about half an hour before the ritual.

Do not use this work for Vocation and everything
one black candle anointed with the Black Arts
Oil. Under the dim light and silence challenges to peace in the grave.

How evil hour all strikes must be prepared to continue:
Fashion in the chest with a hot black melted candles.
Fashion, even with the same side of a small doll to represent your
victim and lay in a coffin.
Scribe victim's name on a piece of parchment with black ink and
lay in a coffin, next to the doll.
Put a few large spikes in the body of a doll with Silent
The Curse of the victim as the body Pin Each doll comes.
Sprinkle the box and pop music with black powder and meditate on the Mus
You would damage caused to the victim.
When the candle was burning on the incomplete (one was anointed WHO)
Shut down and repair of housing for victims.
Sprinkle over Black Sparrow Powder around the doors and put the coffin
at. Place the burning stub next to the field and pull one:
"Xx" (only on X) with some oil Black Arts in the door.
Throw a couple of pinch of black powder in oil Sparrow
door sticks and shows 'X X'.

It is best to do when the victim is not home, so that he / she
Find a job demonic when they return.

When all was achieved, to maintain strict silence about
Your work and will never recognize the existence of the victim.

Other --------) / \ / \ agick games offered (-------
Dark City Fear

Voodoo Doll Death Hex
Witchcraft -------) (------

During the waning moon, cranes on fashion red wax
and the name should be your victim. Dress with oil and the destruction
Sprinkle Some Damnation Powder.

Expectations at the time of the new moon, and the red light candles
Incense and some XX.

The candle flame heat dramatically Thorne, and place it in
heart valve.

If you do that says:
I kill, I kill, I This wedge DRIVE
About Fester and maim
I wish the same and _______________.

Heat sharp nail into the candle flame and the wheels completely
through the body of a crane, so it crosses the back.

Keep the tap through the nail and turn it through the smoke of incense
If you say:
Pain and anxiety are all here
Destruction and stretch the attack.
Bring Down This One's On The Grave
Moldy mouth, but nothing that
His / her destiny.

Take the crane in the world Mon then digs in
Dark Mon

Sprinkle Damnation powder, oil and the destruction of rum
Two steps away from the victim and the hammer tap on the door
frame around the door handle.

Try this to happen when the victim does not count, if possible.

We must do all this quietly, or the work may fail.

----+---- Brought to you by: "Dark City straha '---- +----
(215) -261-0893 ... ST ONLY!

E The Hollow Alliance Alice
(510) 849-2688攁RH (510) 849-2688
T-file Distribution Cent-a-RoR
Powerful RatSnatcher Sir Paul Murdoch Pressed Dr. Death Rats
P O R - lucard
Headquartered Sean-Da-Lay Boy Productions, Inc
Smooth descent and easy way

- '20 'Best Kink --

1. Cut flowers will be sleepy and in the presence of apples.
2. In 1913 the tax on annual income of $ 4000 per cent.
3. Henry Ford forgot to put reverse on his first car.
4. Ninety-seven percent of people have proposed a new lane to try,
write your name.
5. Dogs as old as 12 years for rights 84.
6. Saturday is the most dangerous days to drive.
7. In the U.S. one person dies every 14.5 seconds.
8. If a color blind woman marries a person with normal vision, all
their sons will be color blind, the daughter will have normal vision.
9. It can not be proven in the Bible that Christ never smiled.
10. 60 days needed for the flight home grandmother.
11. Mans beard grows about an inch in 8 weeks.
12. 7 suicides recorded in the Bible.
13. Theodore Roosevelt was the only president not sworn on the Bible.
14. 72 muscles used to say 1 word.
15. Eggs hatch water flea 10 years after their adoption.
16. In WW2 the U.S. cost $ 225,00 to kill the enemy soldier.
17. Mosquitoes prefer children to adults blondes and brunettes.
18. When the dust of diamonds, black as coal.
19. Nine of the most common words, and are,,, oh, I got you.
20. A normal person can lose as much as 1 / 3 of blood without fatality.

.................................................. .......................

World easiest quiz:

Question: How long did the Hundred Years War last?
: 116 years, from 1337 to 1453

Question: In what month do Russians celebrate the October Revolution?
: 7 November calendar (Russia was over 13 days)

Question: In what country of Panama made?
: Ecuador

Question: In what country we Bslam Peruvian?
: El Salvador

Q: From what animal we catgut?
: Sheep

Q: What material pants made of?
: Hard wearing cotton fiber called moleskin

Q: Where do Chinese gooseberries come from?
A: They fruit grown in New Zealand

Q: What kind of creatures were the Canary Islands named?
: Various large dogs (Latin name: Island Canarie Insulae 'dogs')

Question: What is the name of King George VI,?
: Albert

Q: What season of "place" Midsummer Night's Dream "?
Answer: Spring (April 29-May 1)

Q: What is a camel Bursh hair done?
: Protein Hair

Q: How long did the Thirty Years War last?
: 30 years ... sure!

11 people buried in Obects:
1. Tutankhamun:
Buried with his treasures
2. Sir Walter Raleigh:
He was buried with his favorite pipe and tobacco tin
3. Elizabeth Rossetti:
Buried in the manuscript of her poems
4. Wild Bill Hicock:
Buried with rifle Sharps
5. Reuben John Smith:
He was buried in his chair and his favorite chessboard
6. Rudloph Valentino:
Buried in Slavic bracelet
7. Bela Lugosi:
He was buried in a black cloak Dracula.
8. Humphrey Bogart:
Buried with small gold whistle
9. Sandra West:
He was buried sitting behind the wheel of Ferrari
10. Harry "Horse" Flamburis:
Buried with his motorcycle
11. Elvis Presley:
Buried with a diamond ring


# Country Collection Tombstone Epitaphs: #

From the valley of death: Falkirk England Cemetery
----------------- ------------------------------
Here lies the body rests under the slab
Mary Preston Fat Lies stingy Jimmy Wyatt
Who's moved to heaven, he died the morning of every ten
to alleviate congestion. and saved the dinner.

Death Valley:
Here lies the body of poor Aunt Charolette
Born of a virgin, died a whore;
For 16 years she kept her virginity,
damn'd long time for this medium.

In Goergia Moultrie Cemetery:
Here lies the father of twenty-nine.
We Woulda been more, but he did'nt time.

In Enosburg Falls, VA Cemetery:
Here lies the body of Anna
Done to death by Bannana,
He was'nt the fruits of their low
But the skin that made her go.

Battersea London Cemetery:
Owen Moore:
Owin "more
Then he can pay.

E The Hollow Alliance Alice
(510) 849-2688攁RH (510) 849-2688
T-file Distribution Cent-a-RoR
Powerful RatSnatcher Sir Paul Murdoch Pressed Dr. Death Rats
P O R - lucard
Headquartered Sean-Da-Lay Boy Productions, Inc
Smooth descent and easy way

'Friday 13 ": in the TV series

Paramount Pictures Television is pleased to announce a new, fresh
Alternative television in the autumn of this year, and its title: "Friday
13: TV series.
Although the series will have nothing to do with cinema.
TV series will not be represented Jason Vorhees. Won'nt a new crop
Teens have sex every week. In fact, it will not
Mount obvious at all. It will not be sent in writing or on Friday
Pioneers 13-m Sean Cunningham, Steve Miner.
What TV series would be antique, cursed antique
maintain that the three cousins mysterious legacy of his uncle. Cousins
must return everything that has ever bought or give
This store has all been cursed. They offer a great magazine
each item and every week they go to buy or steal one of those back
points. In one episode, cousins should follow the damned
A man bought a necklace for his wife before strangling her
In other words, all "Friday, 13: TV Series"
was named. In case you wonder why it is called
Theres reason is simple: money.

Expert testimony that even the devil "report" goes between the United States!

The mysterious "Devil's Hoof Print" - often unexplained prints
ways to trace any living creature could follow - have been found again
and again in the U.S. and Britain, say experts.

"This is the primary seal is formed, as a goat or a sheep, but
with two legs, "says veteran psychic investigator Ed Warren." There
reports of this phenomenon began more than 100 years ... but many
Recent cases also.
"Hoof print does not belong to known human or animal - Tai ARE
footsteps of the devil. !
And Brad Steiger, author of 35 books on the paranormal, showed:
"Devil's Hoof prints are not only found on the ground, but
on rooftops and the tops of the walls. They often follow the path, not
known person or an animal can, before disappearing in the air. "
In January 1985, a psychologist at the University of prominent Ivy League began
counseling women western Indian student who was very excited, Warren
One evening during a therapy session with a child psychologist
watched her window upstairs garage. With
heavy snowfall, the main of artiodactyls prints of animals.
"But there were only two main prints simultaneously, as if the beast
walked on its hind legs. Main prints jumped from
the garage and went straight up 20 feet of her yard, where
They broke.
"The next week during the treatment of girls, there was a loud cry
outside, "Warren continued:
But all I saw were more hoof prints in the snow strange. That
Night was a loud knocking and scratching noises from all sides
her home. The next morning she found hoof prints and circled around
around the building.
Currently, Warren has been named in this case. "I interviewed
Girl and discovered that they possessed, while participating --
Ating in occult rituals in their homeland. Hoof prints were
left by the devil. "He came to visit one of their victims
disturb the psychologist tries to help her. "
"The girl subsequently underwent exorcism and the Devil's hoof prints
Were not, "said Warren.
In the unlikely event in England in the early 1980's
Accountant saw the devil's main print on the beach. Beach
abandoned and gloomy, but the hoof prints a single line started at the base
long unclimbable cliff and went out into the sea. "
Devil Worshipers ever performed rituals in the area at night, and
the devil came to Earth to monitor their field.
In another case, worse, the young couple moved to sec --
luded an old house in rural Massachusetts in the winter, 1984. They brought
evenings reading books and trying to occult occult experiments.
Soon they began to call to hear the music or the sound of noise at night.
"When the first snow came, they found hoof prints the beginning
under their bedroom window at two in the expansion,
Steiger said. Finally, the main prints were lost in the woods.
"A pair of psychic expert advice that it had
seen Devil's hoof prints.
"It sounds strange, and Devil's hoof prints are not visible!

E The Hollow Alliance Alice
(510) 849-2688攁RH (510) 849-2688
T-file Distribution Cent-a-RoR
Powerful RatSnatcher Sir Paul Murdoch Pressed Dr. Death Rats
P O R - lucard
Headquartered Sean-Da-Lay Boy Productions, Inc
Smooth descent and easy way

The names and offices of 'evil spirits

Slave SIX spirits:

Lucifuge ROFOCALE - Prime Minister
SATANACHIA - Commander
AGALIAREPT - another commander
Fleurety - Lieutenant General
Nebiros - Field Marshal and the Inspector General


Beelzebuth - Supreme Head Infernal Empire
(Founder of the Order Fly)
Satan - the leader of the opposition
Euronymous - Prince's death
(Grand Cross of the Fly)
Moloch - Prince of the land of tears
Pluto - Prince of Fire
Leonardo - Grand Master of the Sabbath
(Knight of the Fly)
Baalberith - Minister of international treaties
Proserpine - Arch Devil
(Sovereign Princess of evil spirits)
Adramelek - Lord Chancellor
Astaroth - Great Treasurer
Nergal - the chief of secret police
Baal - Commander Army Infernal
Belphegor - commander of the Demons
Lucifer - Lord Chief Justice
Alastor - Commander of the Public Works
Verdelet - Ceremonies
Accommodations Benoth - Head Eunochs
Chamos - Lord Chamberlain
Melchom - Chief Treasurer
Misroch - Grand Steward
Behemoth - Grand butler
Dagon - Grand Pantler
Mullin - First Gentlemen Bed Chamber
Kobal - Stage Manager
Nybbas - Chief Mimic
Antichrist - Juggler and simulate

E HOLLOW Alliance Alice
(510) 849-2688攁R H (510) 849-2688
T-file Distribution Cent-a-RoR
Dr. Powerful RatSnatcher Sir Paul Murdoch Pressed Death of Rats
R O R - L C H R D
Corporate headquarters Sean-Da-Lay Boy Productions, Inc.
Smooth is the origin and is the Easy Way

This text Smeared across cyberspace by:
| | Junk Culture Hallucination |

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